Message from Central's interim CEO

As we step into a new year, it’s good to take a moment to reflect on the past before turning our attention to the hope and excitement a new year brings. Last year allowed Central to reaffirm our mission, build on our achievements and focus on what matters most, you, our members.
We are stepping into the new year ready to embrace a new CEO, a new ambassador class, member events, district elections and so much more. We also know we are not immune to challenges, and we are doing our best to prepare for those as well.
Inflation has caused prices to rise for everyone, and electricity is no different. This past year, the entire energy industry faced price volatility from rising materials costs and supply chain disruptions. This has impacted our entire three-tier system.
Our power provider announced a rate increase of 7% effective April 2025. With approximately 65% of Central’s operating costs going toward power, this will have a large impact on your cooperative. This, coupled with increasing distribution costs, ultimately creates the need for a rate adjustment across all rate classes, both residential and commercial. These rate adjustments will be implemented this spring.
In 2023, Central had the second lowest residential rates among Oklahoma rural electric cooperatives and will continue to be one of the lowest. We take great pride in being able to provide you safe, reliable and affordable electricity. We are optimistic that this year will continue to help us position the cooperative for the future, while upholding the levels of service and satisfaction we know you expect.