Winter can be cozy, but a few smart moves will keep you snug and safe all season!
Space heaters are friends, not flamethrowers! Keep your space heater at least three feet from anything that can burn. Think of your space heater as an introvert, give it space!
Plug it in, don’t burn it down! If your outlet looks like it’s hosting a party of plugs, it’s time to spread them out before your photo is in a slide show at the Fireman’s Ball. If your outdoor lights were around when Beanie Babies were cool, you should consider replacing them.
Extension cords are not long-term roommates. They should be just visiting for the winter, not moving in. Avoid plugging space heaters or heavy appliances into extension cords, they’re not ready for that level of commitment.
Left in the cold? Don’t freeze up! If there’s a power outage this winter, don’t wait to call! Call your favorite electric cooperative at 405-372-2884.