Central Ambassador Program
Ambassadors attend a series of training sessions during their first year. The cooperative staff have put together a great curriculum for ambassadors that covers the cooperative model and principles, the future of the energy industry, and an in-depth look at Central’s current and future initiatives. The sessions are a deep dive into all things Central.
Ambassador Purpose
Central Ambassadors serve as an extension of Central’s trustees and employees. They engage with Central’s members and communities by representing Central at community events, and explaining services and resources to members.
Terms of Service
Ambassadors will participate in a year-long training program (four training sessions) designed to educate them on the cooperative model and principles, energy industry, and Central’s history and future plans. Ambassador-elects will be expected to attend each of the training sessions and attend member meetings.
Upon completion of the training program, ambassadors will remain involved with the cooperative during the remaining two years of their term by engaging in the following ways:
- Participation in cooperative meetings
- Participation in community initiatives
- Participation in Central Community Foundation events
- Attending one of two ambassador meetings
Ambassadors will receive various benefits and compensation throughout the year:
- Dinner provided at trainings and Ambassador meetings
- $50 travel stipend for each training session attended during their first year of service
- $50 travel stipend for one Ambassador meeting attended after their first year of service
Have questions or want to join the program? Call Central at 405-372-2884 or email editor@mycentral.coop.